Field Trips 2023-24

Please enjoy birding at our two local State parks:  Anderson Marsh State Historic Parkwhich has a docent led field trip on the second Saturday of the month and Clear Lake State Park which has a variety of events planned for different times of the year (  Also, the Lake County Land Trust’s Rodman Preserve is open every Saturday.   

2023 – 2024 Field Trip Calendar

Please note. Field trips will start at 9 a.m. unless otherwise announced in the newsletter.

Details for each field trip will be published in the preceding newsletter, including directions and start time if different from 9 a.m. The March through May field trips have yet to be determined but will be announced in upcoming newsletters. Put these dates on your calendar and plan for a fun day of birding with friends!

November 18Melo Wetland Preserve

December 16 – Christmas Bird Count

January 20, 2024 – Colusa and Sacramento National Wildlife Refuges

February 17, 2024 – Rodman Preserve

March 23, 2024Highland Springs

April 20, 2024 – Six Sigma

May 18, 2024Rodman Preserve

May – August 2024 – Mark Your Calendar Events