Join the Great Backyard Bird Count for 2019

Launched in 1998 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, the Great Backyard Bird Count was the first online citizen-science project to collect data on wild birds and to display results in near real-time.

Now, more than 160,000 people of all ages join the four-day count each February to create an annual snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds.

We invite you to participate.  Simply tally the numbers and kinds of birds you see for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count, February 15, 16, 17 and 18. You can count from any location, anywhere in the world, for as long as you wish!

If you’re new to the count, or have not participated since before the 2013 merger with eBird, you must create a free online account to enter your checklist.  Go to  If you already have an account, just use the same login name and password.

In 2016, GBBC participants in more than 130 countries counted 5,689 species of birds on more than 162,000 checklists!

Your help is needed to make the GBBC successful!