“Dragonflies” with Kathy Biggs
Redbud Audubon welcomes Kathy and Dave Biggs on Thursday, March 16, as they share their passion for dragonflies. Kathy Biggs has been a nature lover all her life. When she built a wildlife pond in the backyard, dragonflies arrived and she found her true passion.
Early on and wanting to share her passion, Kathy developed websites for her wildlife ponds, California Dragonflies and Southwest Dragonflies. The websites matured and grew into Kathy’s becoming the author of California’s first Dragonfly Guide, Common Dragonflies of California, the Southwest’s first dragonfly guide, Common Dragonflies of Southwest, a dragonfly color and learn book and her latest publication, Dragonflies of the Greater Southwest. She has also authored titles on ponds for wildlife and how that differs from Koi/Tropical lilies ponds. We have asked Kathy to bring copies of her books should you wish to purchase.
Kathy is a member of several other Odonate groups and tracks flight data and distribution for California and the greater southwest. She teaches a 2-day workshop for the Siskiyou Field Institute, and has taught other workshops and seminars for the Point Reyes Field Institute, the Laguna Foundation, Footloose Forays, Pepperwood Preserve, Salmon Festivals in Sacramento and Happy Camp and several state and national parks. She often presents and/or leads field trips on dragonflies and wildlife ponds at numerous Audubon Society and CNPS Chapters and Gardening clubs throughout the state.
Kathy has worked with the BLM in particular in protecting habitat for the rare Black Petaltail dragonfly and has discovered new breeding areas for the rarest dragonfly in North America: the San Francisco Forktail. She hopes she can inspire you to get to know the dragonflies and the wetlands that support them.